Thursday 18 August 2011

Kalmadi, Raja arrested while trying to flee Tihar disguised as Anna supporters

Tihar jail authorities have informed that they have foiled an attempt by Suresh Kalmadi and A Raja, currently in jail for their involvement in CWG and 2G scams respectively, to slip out of the jail disguised as anti-corruption activists. Both the leaders were found wearing white caps and had their face covered with white towels, but were apprehended before they could step out of Tihar Jail.
“Once we got the release warrant for Anna Hazare, we decided to release him and all his supporters,” DGP of Tihar jail informed, “But we realized that some persons standing in the queue for getting out of jail looked familiar. Everyone was wearingGandhi topi and white clothes like Anna, but body languages of at least two of them appeared nervous.”
Suresh Kalmadi
Kalmadi disguised as an anti-corruption activist
Upon close inspection, Tihar jail authorities found out that they were Kalmadi and Raja, with their faces covered but shouting slogans to remove corruption from India.
“While they were among the loudest, their hands were trembling as they punched fists in air while shouting slogans,” Tihar jail DGP informed how the authorities became suspicious. When authorities accosted both of them and removed their towels, they were shocked to see the leaders.
Tihar Jail sources told Full Tension team that initially Kalmadi and Raja denied their identities and insisted that they were arrested along with Anna this morning, but after jail officials checked their cells, the jailbreak plot was unearthed.
“We found one anti-corruption activist each in their cells,” a jail source confirmed, “The activists had their limbs tied and mouth gagged with a piece of cloth, and were found wearing Kalmadi’s and Raja’s dress.  It seems Kalmadi and Raja had forcibly exchanged the clothes with those two activists.”
It’s not yet clear how those two anti-corruption activists landed up in Kalmadi’s and Raja’s cells. Unconfirmed sources suggest that the leaders had lured them with delicious food as both of them were on hunger strike since last evening.
“They trusted the leaders’ words because they were hungry,” a jail official said.

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